Monday, February 23, 2009


Frédéric Cardinal

Vincent Dubreuil-Hubert

Maverick Leblanc

Martin Kaesch

ENA students are the REAL digital natives

After analyzing the statistics we can affirm that ENA students are digital natives. Here are some examples that prove it. First of all, 2.5% of Longueuil students aren’t comfortable with electronic devices against 0% here in ENA. The way students stay up to date with news also differs from ENA and Longeuil. In ENA, three out of four answered that they we’re often getting news from the Internet as for Longueil; most of them (69.2%) are getting news by talking to friends and family. Finally, the survey proved that three out of four ENA students use a computer for work and for entertainment. In Longueuil, it’s only 59%. That means that computers and digital devices are an integral part of ENA students lives and that it is used on an everyday basis.

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