Friday, February 13, 2009

Belgium Doesn't Exist!

Selecting appropriate websites is a key factor when doing a research. With the rise of internet as a source of information and the lack of control towards what is on it, we cannot be sure of what we read. The best way to know if a website is reliable is to look at some elements. An example of an unreliable website is “Belgium Doesn’t Exist!” . First of all, when you want to know if a website is reliable, you have to look for the author. In this case, the author is Lyle Zapato. It can, at first sight, look reliable, since the author is named, but if you take the time to look at his profile, it is easy to see that it is fulfilled with false information, and that the website is probably a hoax. The source is not reputable, not serious and not qualified. Second of all, if we take a look at the subject of the website, we can easily find the information we are looking for, but we can also easily determine that the information is absurd. For this reason, the information can be considered as inaccurate and unreliable for research. Although the information is biased, it’s good to see that the website is up to date. On this website, we can see that it was created in 1999, and last updated on 2008-08-31. Finally, the website doesn’t have ads and is created for humorous intent. If the information is not to be taken seriously, it is still important to notice that with serious statement, this website could’ve been considered as reliable, since we can find all the information about the author and his background.

1 comment:

SamuelR said...

Jean-Nicolas Dang
Samuel Robert