There is no doubt about it: CEM (longueuil) students are the real digital natives. According to the Survey Results of Student Media Habits and Technology, 56.4 % of the students from CEM love technology compared to 46.8% from students from ENA(St-Hubert). If we look at what kind of things do students use their computer for, the results are very similar for both groups. However, 30.8% of the students from CEM create websites, blogs, etc, whereas only 2.1% use that technology in this way in the other group. This can also be demonstrated from the 4th question in the survey. 5.1 % of CEM students claim having an expertise when it comes to post and create things on the internet, but no one from ENA is capable. This is noticeable through statistics: 30.8% compared to 18.8%. Furthermore, all students from CEM clearly understand the meaning of a blog while 6.2% on the ENA side have never heard of this term. In addition, creating websites and blogs require time and effort from the user; therefore this shows that CEM students are more comfortable with their computers.